RS Builders

From Concept to Creation- HEXALACE By RS Builders



Commercial construction has changed dramatically, and commercial buildings’ structures are nothing less than masterpieces. Using world-class construction materials and innovative designs to integrate nature into the office space is proving tricky for construction companies. With modern designs comes expert craftsmanship, as construction companies are improving their construction processes to complete the rather challenging commercial building projects. The clients expect a lot from us whenever they hand over a commercial project with intricate detailing and designs. Our focus is to deliver to the aesthetic needs of the project while keeping in mind the quality of the structure and space efficiency. We offer the best commercial and residential construction to satisfy our clients.


RS Builders has a reputation for outstanding project completion and delivering mesmerising structures far exceeding the client’s expectations. One such project is the Hexalace, an impressive commercial project that speaks nothing more than quality construction and sustainability. The project came with a unique facade of geometrical shapes that would help in temperature regulation for the employees. In this blog, we will explore how we built this commercial place into an appealing structure, what top-notch quality materials were used in the construction project, and how well the construction industry praised this project by honouring it with awards and accolades.

The Commercial Masterpiece

This structure is a state-of-the-art commercial building made for leasing purposes so that other businesses can use its stylish space for their purposes. This architectural masterpiece stands tall in sector 82, SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab. The entire built-up area of this commercial space is around 5481 square feet, with a total facade area of those intricate hexagons of 3234 square feet. The bold use of geometry in the design of the facade helps create pockets for air to cross into the building, while the concrete walls stop the excess heat from entering the working area of the building.


Our company successfully delivered this project to the client, keeping in mind the quality and space efficiency of the construction project. The hexagonal metal frames add value to the design of the building and act as a fence for the balcony. Our expert craftsmanship and engineering experience converted our clients’ dreams into reality. RS Builders managed the whole project and left no stone unturned to deliver to the aesthetic and quality expectations of the client. The integration of green plants in the balcony with the overall space adds to the natural ambience of the building and enhances the breathability of the structure.

Celebrating Quality Construction

Our company used the best-in-class materials to complete this project. The construction materials used in this project include TATA steel, Ultratech cement, Asian paints and Saint Gobain glasses. Our prime focus was to provide the user of the space an experience so calm and soothing that their productivity would reach the maximum level. The infusion of greenery in the balcony offers contact with nature to the inside users, which enhances the inner ambience of the building. The safety and elevation of the occupants’ mood have been taken care of by allowing proper light to enter the building’s internal space.


Our esteemed founder, Mr Ravijeet Singh, was this project’s facade consultant. The idea behind the facade’s design was to provide shade to the users of the building, sitting indoors but not so much enclosure that may obstruct light. Ample space was left for light to enter the building. The construction of this project entailed its difficulty. Still, our experienced engineers took every challenge as an opportunity to excel and show the world how our company can convert complex drawings on paper into a mesmerising construction art piece that speaks for its creators.

Recognition From The Industry

The construction industry also bowed down to the impressive construction process we followed to complete this project. The name Hexalace became a synonym for excellence in the commercial building category and was recognised well by the world. This project was published in the Archdaily and won the Commercial Architecture Category FOAID 2017. This commercial masterpiece won the WADE Asia Awards 2019 in the commercial category. The project also made it to Amazing Architecture, an architectural platform. These awards indicate the quality standards and architectural proficiency of the construction process. The design itself was challenging to put on paper, let alone the completion of the projects. But our rigid team of experts has delivered this respiratory experience into reality, complemented by a bold use of geometry on the facade of the building.


These awards and recognition by the construction industry inspire us to improve our construction further. The advent of modern design in commercial infrastructure has enabled construction companies like us to show our skill and expertise in completing the project, considering the building’s intricate details and design flow. Our primary focus is to satisfy the client and ensure that all the things the client mentioned in the project discussion phase have been implemented professionally.


Commercial construction has taken a new turn, with construction companies focusing on making the buildings more sustainable and eco-friendly. The modern industrial construction process uses intelligent techniques to reduce power usage as ample light is allowed to enter the commercial space, which helps save electricity. Sustainable development and quality construction processes have inspired engineers to make boring commercial projects appealing masterpieces. If you also want to make your commercial space as rejuvenating as the Hexalace, you need someone like us.


Trust RS Builders with the successful construction of your dreams as we offer you the best residential, commercial and turnkey construction services in India. We are the top builders in Mohali and promise to turn your innovative concepts into a reality using our concrete determination. We also offer consultation services to our clients so that you have the advice of an expert in case you are stuck in the hectic construction process. Contact us now to start your dream construction project with the best construction company in India. Place the first brick with us and travel along to shape your dreams into a beautiful structure.