Challenge was to bring two pieces of land together into something big and astonishing that had never been done before. With a tiny drop of hope, the project started- there stood a firm possibility of converting an empty land into something big with its own identity among other buildings. The entire design comprises numerous aesthetic balconies that promise just a sufficient amount of sunlight to pass through. The right angles secure the breeze, spreading across the floors that pass through glass hidden behind the concrete facade in the form of small apertures. The small protrusions in the building can be used as a personalised coffee space when you say, “Ek break toh banta hai boss”, the justified amount of sunlight through fractals of the sun deck and the breeze perfectly synchronise with the mood until you are all boosted up to work again. The Never-Never cube is basically a matrix of parallelepipeds.
Never Never Cube
Commercial Building
JLPL Industrial Area, Punjab, India
RS Builders
Mr. Ravijeet Singh
Studio Ardete
Jagmohan Singh Nagi
Mr. Purnesh Dev Nikhanj
The Luminars
838 sq ft